Sometimes those holiday feasts are just amazing.
And it’s not just the abundance of delicious food but also the people, the decorations, and the ambiance.
It is way too easy (and common) to indulge on those days.
But it doesn’t always stop there.
Sometimes those holiday feasts are just amazing.
And it’s not just the abundance of delicious food but also the people, the decorations, and the ambiance.
It is way too easy (and common) to indulge on those days.
But it doesn’t always stop there.
Oh my gosh – nutrition and diet info is everywhere!
And each expert and association tries to lead you in their direction because they know best and their advice is going to help you. Right?
Well, maybe…
This word “metabolism” is thrown around a lot these days.
You know that if yours is too slow you might gain weight. But what exactly does this all mean?
With 70 million Americans suffering from a sleep disorder and scientific data now linking sleep deprivation to weight gain, is it any wonder that we have the obesity problem we do?
You can’t attribute it all to poor sleep, however new research suggests sleep deprived Americans consume more calories than those who are not.
When you go to the grocery store two years from now, your favorite products may look a little different (at least if you’re still reading them like our office suggests). That’s because the FDA, our favorite federal oversight committee, recently approved changes in an effort give consumers the ability to make more informed choices (thanks, Michelle Obama). Food companies have until July 26, 2018, to apply the new label. It is important to note that the updated label in no way changes the nutritional value of foods.
I am sure that we all have that one friend (who will remain nameless, Rachel) who walks around in lulu Lemon leggings and a soul cycle t-shirt, with her face beaded with perspiration from this morning’s “spin” (a millennial term for straddling a stationary bike in a dimly-lit room with a Native American pan flute CD undulating in the background.) Well, we get it. You had fun at your cycling class. We also, for the 10th time, are excited that you feel so rejuvenated after your third day of your juice cleanse. I’m sorry for asking -no, I’m not-, but what harmful toxins are you hoping to remove?
“Walking is man’s best medicine”-Hippocrates There has been some debate in the office as to whether or not Hippocrates actually said this quote. Regardless, we wholeheartedly agree. After all, who are we to argue with the society that created the Olympics? Instead, we are just going to redirect you to this article by Norbert Sporns, … Read more
CoQ10 or Coenzyme Q10 helps your body create energy and maintain a healthy equilibrium. No, I’m not kidding. In general, enzymes help to break down the food that you eat, and CoQ10 is a potent antioxidant that can help with anything from cardiovascular health, migraine headaches, and sperm mobility as explained in this article by Sarah Cook titled, Dosing and Lesser-Known Benefits of CoQ10.